Saturday, May 29, 2010

Then and Now

The Way We Were...

... and...

What We've Become.


  1. Yes, I was curious about you. Now I am appalled. I NEVER thought you were racist. Somewhat misogynist, yes. Racist, no. I assume you see the race hatred in the images you are posting--and that you intend them to convey that message. (Does Amy see this stuff? Does she accept it?) I've spent time in your new part of the world. I lived in Couer d"Alene Idaho. I know that you are in well-armed, militia-minded, skin-head country. Is that why you chose the location?I truly do understand the draw of the scenery and the romance of the adventure, but I do not understand the racist vitriol. What happened to PAX on 3?

    You seem to be living a paradox: Escaping from a world you despise while attacking the system which makes your escape possible.

    I truly hope you enjoy your new life, but I also hope you will mellow out--and give up politics for bliss. The two cannot coexist.


  2. Sorry if my earlier comment sounds angry. I was just so shocked by the photo-shopped Oboma photo. And yes, my first response was anger, anger based in some sort of disappointment.

  3. George, Funny combination of pics. Pretty mild compared to some of the stuff I saw that was done to Bush and Cheney. Of course, they couldn't claim racism. From the very beginning, our country's political debates have involved some pretty vicious cartoonery. Humor is catharsis and helps insure that we keep having fairly unremarkable regime changes. Vive La'Liberalstein! Or something like that! Seeya later.

  4. Linda B.
    I'll respond to your venomous comment but I'll need a long, long (long) time to ruminate before I post my rejoinder. That being said, I trust all is copacetic in your universe...and...I still miss ya.
